Employment & Benefits
Your work force today is likely to be a colourful mix of different capabilities, aptitudes, commitments, temperaments, and lifestyles.
Some will be of great benefit and value to your organisation. Others might be causing you real difficulty, due perhaps to a lack of ability or commitment, or behaviour that is disruptive or even destructive of the cohesion you require for the success of your organisation. How do you ensure that this cohesion is established, strengthened and maintained and that your staff remain motivated?
Your work force may include employees, independent contractors, agency and bank workers. Many may be office based but others will be on site or working remotely. Are you confident that you know the legal rights held by these different types of worker? What is the difference between a 'worker' and an 'employee'? At what point and under what circumstances can an agency worker become your employee?
What about the growing impact of anti-discrimination law? Does your organisation have the requisite knowledge to deal with the legislation which applies to your business before employment begins (affecting your recruitment policies and advertisements) and extends even after the employment ends?

Our expertise
We can advise you on all of the following issues:
- Staff handbooks, policies and procedures for all aspects of work life;
- Service agreements, employment contracts, pay and benefits, incentive schemes;
- Maternity, paternity and adoption rights - leave and pay;
- Discrimination, victimisation and harassment on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, gender reassignment, colour, race, ethnic origin, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age, trade union activity, whistleblowing.
- Health and safety;
- Human rights and freedom of expression;
- Disciplinary, coaching and grievance procedures;
- Unfair and wrongful dismissal and redundancy;
The lawyers in our employment team are also members of the Employment Lawyers Association.
For costs information on our services for claims relating to unfair or wrongful dismissal in an employment tribunal, please click here.